Monday, May 25, 2015

Great Glass of Wine: It is reflected in Wine Art

“Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.”  Ernest Hemingway 

How do you tell of it is a great glass of wine? Well, it is all in the reflection, of course. #wineart. Try it, you won't regret the experience. Aside from the glorious images that dance upon the table, you do not experience this until you have imbibed in a few succulent ounces. One, you know you enjoyed the wine because you want to see it dance in the light. Two, you know it was good because you want to linger in the full sensory experience. Wait til you see the rainbows and orbs that white wine creates. 

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